Scientific American
[:es]Forgotten Memories of Traumatic Events Get Some Backing from Brain-Imaging Studies[:]
[:es]A new wave of research seeks neurological signatures for a type of amnesia[:]
[:es]Guardians of the Microbial Galaxy[:]
[:es]Culture collections of bacteria play an unheralded but crucial role in science [:]
[:es]Pilot Whales Show Possible Orca-Mimicking Repertoire[:]
[:es]Southern long-finned pilot whales’ calls could help them outsmart an apex predator[:]
[:es]This Sea Slug Can Chop Off Its Head and Grow an Entire New Body—Twice[:]
[:es]It is one of the “most extreme” examples of regeneration ever seen[:]
[:es]100-Million-Year-Old Seafloor Sediment Bacteria Have Been Resuscitated[:]
[:es]The evidence mounts that bacteria can be effectively immortal[:]
[:es]AI System Can Sniff Out Disease as Well as Dogs Do[:]
[:es]Researchers are training algorithms to emulate trained dogs’ ability to detect cancer and other diseases, perhaps including COVID-19[:]
[:es]The Most Accurate Flat Map of Earth Yet[:]
[:es]A cosmologist and his colleagues tackle a centuries-old cartographic conundrum[:]
[:es]Galaxy-Size Gravitational-Wave Detector Hints at Exotic Physics[:]
[:es]Recent results from a pulsar timing array, which uses dead stars to hunt for gravitational waves, has scientists speculating about cosmic strings and primordial black holes[:]