Scientific American
Gone in 2015: Commemorating Ten Outstanding Women in Science
These notable researchers who passed away during the year just ending made key contributions to ecology, planetary science, medicine, chemical engineering, and more.
Super Spiral Galaxies Amaze Astronomers
A new breed of giants raises questions about how the biggest galaxies arise
Genio matemático resuelve el acertijo de un maestro
Terence Tao, ganador de la Medalla Fields, resuelve el problema de la discrepancia de Erdös.
A Red Flag for a Neurodegenerative Disease That May Be Transmissible
Animal experiments show how a just-discovered prion triggers a rare Parkinson’s-like disease
Dali’s reinterpretation of Rembrandt’s Self-Portrait
Some of the ways in which Dali made old art new, while preserving the original image in his reinterpretation.
Can Your Brain Really Be «Full»?
Neuroimaging aids investigation into what happens in the brain when we try to remember information that’s very similar to what we already know
The Brontosaurus Is Back
Decades after scientists decided that the famed dinosaur never actually existed, new research says the opposite
How Henry Cavendish Used a Wire to Measure a Tiny Force of Gravity
The crowning achievement of the 18th-century researcher was the design of the first experiment to measure the force of gravity between masses in a lab
A Spectacular Spiral May Encircle the Milky Way
One of our galaxy’s arms may do a full 360, upping the chances that our galactic home is a rare cosmic beauty