Science Alert
[:es] Experts Warn of a ‘Twindemic’ as Flu Could Rise Sharply Along With COVID in Winter [:]
[:es]Our recent modeling work suggests that last year’s tamped-down influenza season could lead to a surge in flu cases this coming season.[:]
[:es] Antarctic Ice Reveals Human Impact on The Atmosphere Long Before Industrial Fires [:]
[:es]Our planet’s air during the preindustrial period was not quite as pristine as you might think, according to new research out of Antarctica.[:]
[:es] World-First Brain Implant Successfully Treats Resistant Depression in a Patient [:]
[:es]Depression can be a frighteningly relentless condition. Luckily, researchers around the world are constantly working on new treatment options, such as a newly designed brain implant for resistant depression.[:]
[:es] Official Sources Warn a Geomagnetic Storm Is Imminent, So Get Ready For Auroras [:]
[:es]If you live at a high latitude, it’s time to break out the camera. Space weather agencies are predicting a solar storm for Monday 27 September: moderate, with a chance […]
[:es] Why Human Languages Share a Lot of The Same Grammar [:]
[:es]There are around 7,000 human languages that we know of worldwide, and while they’re all unique, they’re also more similar than you might have realized – particularly when it comes […]
[:es] Scientists Built a New Kind of Invisibility Cloak, But It’s Not For Your Eyes [:]
[:es]Sound waves don’t always hit our ears directly – they can also bounce off other objects and the walls of the space that we’re in, which is why listening to […]
[:es] New Algorithm Can Identify Pre-Alzheimer’s Brain Changes With Over 99% Accuracy [:]
[:es]One of the most important ways in which artificial intelligence algorithms are proving beneficial is in diagnosing disease much faster than mere human beings can – and a new system […]
[:es] These Australian Ducks Can Learn to Swear Like People, And Biologists Are Excited [:]
[:es]Acquiring vocalizations by learning them from other individuals is only known from a limited number of animal groups[:]
[:es] Physicists Have Successfully Advanced a Key Device For Producing Fusion Power [:]
[:es]Physicists working on a type of fusion reactor called a stellarator are getting closer to actually harnessing the power of nuclear fusion.[:]