[:eu]Evolution Runs Faster on Short Timescales[:]
[:eu]Examine evolution over the course of years or centuries, and you’ll find that it progresses much more quickly than it does over geologic time. Now the oldest viruses on the […]
[:eu]‘Digital Alchemist’ Seeks Rules of Emergence[:]
[:eu]Computational physicist Sharon Glotzer is uncovering the rules by which complex collective phenomena emerge from simple building blocks.[:]
[:eu]New Number Systems Seek Their Lost Primes[:]
[:eu]For centuries, mathematicians tried to solve problems by adding new values to the usual numbers. Now they’re investigating the unintended consequences of that tinkering.[:]
[:eu]Physicists Uncover Geometric ‘Theory Space’[:]
[:eu]A decades-old method called the “bootstrap” is enabling new discoveries about the geometry underlying all quantum theories.[:]
[:eu]In Mathematics, ‘You Cannot Be Lied To’[:]
[:eu]For Sylvia Serfaty, mathematics is all about truth and beauty and building scientific and human connections.[:]
[:eu]A Fight to Fix Geometry’s Foundations[:]
[:eu]When two mathematicians raised pointed questions about a classic proof that no one really understood, they ignited a years-long debate about how much could be trusted in a new kind […]
[:eu]Experiment Reaffirms Quantum Weirdness[:]
[:eu]Physicists are closing the door on an intriguing loophole around the quantum phenomenon Einstein called “spooky action at a distance.”[:]
[:eu]To Live Your Best Life, Do Mathematics[:]
[:eu]The ancient Greeks argued that the best life was filled with beauty, truth, justice, play and love. The mathematician Francis Su knows just where to find them.[:]
[:eu]How Life (and Death) Spring From Disorder[:]
[:eu]Life was long thought to obey its own set of rules. But as simple systems show signs of lifelike behavior, scientists are arguing about whether this apparent complexity is all […]