[:es]Quantum Correlations Reverse Thermodynamic Arrow of Time[:]
[:es]A recent experiment shows how quantum mechanics can make heat flow from a cold body to a hot one, an apparent (though not real) violation of the second law of […]
[:es]Brains Cling to Old Habits When Learning New Tricks[:]
[:es]Using a brain-computer interface, scientists are beginning to learn why learning is hard.[:]
[:es]Black Hole Echoes Would Reveal Break With Einstein’s Theory[:]
[:es]Gravitational waves have opened up new ways to test the properties of black holes — and Einstein’s theory of gravity along with them.[:]
[:es]Brainless Embryos Suggest Bioelectricity Guides Growth[:]
[:es]Researchers are building a case that long before the nervous system works, the brain sends crucial bioelectric signals to guide the growth of embryonic tissues.[:]
[:es]To Test Einstein’s Equations, Poke a Black Hole[:]
[:es]Two teams of researchers have made significant progress toward proving the black hole stability conjecture, a critical mathematical test of Einstein’s theory of general relativity.[:]
[:es]A Statistical Search for Genomic Truths[:]
[:es]The computer scientist Barbara Engelhardt develops machine-learning models and methods to scour human genomes for the elusive causes and mechanisms of disease.[:]
[:es]Elusive Higgs-Like State Created in Exotic Materials[:]
[:es]Two teams of physicists have created the «Higgs mode» – a link between particle physics and the physics of matter. The work could help researchers understand the strange behavior of […]
[:es]Scant Evidence of Power Laws Found in Real-World Networks[:]
[:es]A new study challenges one of the most celebrated and controversial ideas in network science.[:]