Science in the media
Gecko Gloves Let Scientist Climb Sheer Glass Walls
An American engineer has made a pair of gloves inspired by geckos’ feet that could allow him to climb glass buildings, bringing super-hero fantasy closer to reality.
Bakterio patogenoak, nagusi saien hesteetan
Saien hesteetako mikroorganismoak aztertuta, ikertzaileek ikusi dute gainerakoontzat hilgarriak diren bakterioak direla nagusi haien hesteetan. Ikertzaileen esanean, mikroorganismo horiek eta urdaileko azidoek azaltzen dute saien gaitasuna haragi ustela jateko.
In other words: inside the lives and minds of real-time translators
The world’s most powerful computers can’t perform accurate real-time translation. Yet interpreters do it with ease. Geoff Watts meets the neuroscientists who are starting to explain this remarkable ability.
El mayor mapa del cáncer destapa enormes diferencias por países
El mayor mapa mundial de la supervivencia frente al cáncer vuelve a mostrar que el código postal es más importante que el código genético en la salud pública. El trabajo, […]
The Lives of Alexander Grothendieck, a Mathematical Visionary
Alexander Grothendieck, who died on Nov. 13 at the age of 86, was a visionary who captivated the collective psyche of his peers like no one else. To say he […]
El yogur es el único lácteo que reduce el riesgo de diabetes tipo 2
El consumo de yogur, queso y leche se había relacionado con un menor riesgo de desarrollar diabetes tipo 2. Un nuevo estudio demuestra que únicamente el yogur permite disminuir la […]
Nuclear power: Desperately seeking plutonium
NASA has 35 kilograms of plutonium-238 to power its deep-space missions — but that will not get it very far.
The Physics of Whisky’s Aesthetically Pleasing Residue
A photographer teamed up with scientists to figure out the fluid dynamics behind patterns left in whisky glasses
How People Make Summer Hotter
Researchers wired Madison, Wisc., to get a better grasp of the urban heat island effect