Science in the media
Una piel de silicio permite sentir el calor, la humedad y hasta una caricia
Ingenieros coreanos crean una epidermis artificial con nanosensores que podría recubrir las prótesis y devolver la capacidad de sentir a los amputados
“Nanobuds” Could Turn Almost Any Surface Into a Touch Sensor
Stretchy, conductive films made of novel nanobuds could bring touch sensors to more surfaces.
Titan’s giant dunes track ancient climate
Long-term orbital wobbles drive changes in sand patterns on Saturnian moon.
Did a massive asteroid impact spark life on Earth?
Researchers have recreated a split-second impact of a meteor with primoridal Earth, and shown how the 3.5-megaton collision might have reorganized common molecules into some of the early building blocks […]
Desagertu zena sortzea helburu
Animalia espezie asko desagertu dira historian zehar. Klonazioa erabiliz horiek berreskuratzeko ahaleginak egin dituzte azken urteetan. Horren adibidea da 2000. urtean Pirinioetan desagertu zen bukardoa birsortzeko egindako saioa. Japoniako ikerlariek, […]
A Common Logic to Seeing Cats and Cosmos
There may be a universal logic to how physicists, computers and brains tease out important features from among other irrelevant bits of data.
La extinción silenciosa de las jirafas: el 40% ha desaparecido en 15 años
Al pensar en especies en peligro de extinción vienen a la mente linces y pandas. Nadie piensa nunca en las jirafas, que Dalí consideraba como símbolo de la masculinidad, y cuya […]
The Science of Preventing Date Rape
Almost every day, the news contains another story of sexual assault. Those stories that make the news are likely only a small fraction of those assaults reported, and only a […]
Albert Einstein archive reveals the genius, doubts and loves of scientist
Early note shows delight at birth of his daughter while later letters show fame was beginning to be a trial