Science in the media
El sol sigue provocando cáncer de piel cuando estamos en la oscuridad
Un equipo de investigadores descubre que la melanina, además de protegernos, lleva a cabo un proceso que daña el ADN horas después de la exposición al sol. El descubrimiento puede […]
Is Your Theory of Everything Pure Enough?
Fundamental theories of nature aren’t allowed to hide information.
In Fake Universes, Evidence for String Theory
Researchers are demonstrating that, in certain contexts, string theory is the only consistent theory of quantum gravity. Might this make it true?
Old Battery Type Gets an Energy Boost
The chemical company BASF says the basic type of battery used now in hybrids could be improved tenfold, leading to cheaper electric cars.
Ozeanoen azidotasuna satelite bidez neurtu dute
Teknika berriak erabiliz, itsasoren azidotasuna satelite bidez neurtu du nazioarteko ikertzaile-talde batek. Lehen hurbilketa bat da, eta bere mugak ditu, baina oso baliagarria izan liteke ozeanoen azidotze globalaren jarraipena egiteko.
Hunting the silent killer
Hepatitis C has a cure, but how do we find those who need it? Patrick Strudwick reports on one attempt to identify some of the estimated 100,000 undiagnosed people in […]
La erradicación del pian, un paso más cerca gracias a un médico español
Un grupo internacional de investigadores ha analizado la estrategia planteada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) para erradicar el pian en 2020. Los resultados, publicados en The New […]
Massive project maps DNA tags that define each cell’s identity
Our DNA may encode all the instructions needed to build the human body and keep it running, but each of our cells must follow just a subset of those instructions […]
Star buzzed Solar System during human prehistory
Faint star with even fainter companion came close enough to perturb comets in the distant Oort cloud some 70,000 years ago.