Science in the media
¿Los asesinos nacen o se hacen?
La invención de las técnicas de imágenes de resonancia magnética funcional en los años 80 revolucionaron el conocimiento de lo que ocurre dentro de la cabeza. El primer estudio con […]
Infekzioen globalizazioa
Azken urteotan, sarri entzun izan ditugu zenbait infekzioren izen bereziak; entzun izan dugu, halaber, mehatxu bat direla infekzio horiek, hala nola hegazti-gripea, Ebola birusa, SARS edo MERS koronabirusak eta abar […]
Mercury seen as never before
In its final weeks, the MESSENGER mission reveals fresh details about the planet’s scorched surface.
South Africa’s botched circumcisions led to surgeons performing the first penis transplant
The young man was there because just three years earlier he had had his penis amputated in order to save his life after a local circumcision had gone badly wrong. The […]
Electrospray thruster makes small satellites more capable
Small satellites are becoming increasingly popular tools for Earth-imaging, communications, and other applications. But they have major control issues: Once in space, they can’t accurately point cameras or change orbit, […]
Argiaren denborak
“Eta argiak, benetan, denbora bat beharko balu Jupiterretik hona iristeko?” pentsatu zuten. Cassini eta Rømer azalpen baten bila zebiltzan; ezin baitzuten ulertu zergatik Ioren eklipseak batzuetan espero baino lehenago gertatzen […]
Double Impact Crater in Canada Formed in Two Separate Impacts
An asteroid smashing into a planet can dramatically alter the planet’s habitability by setting back evolution or even encouraging biodiversity. In order to understand how cosmic impacts influence life and […]
Neanderthals wore jewelry made of eagle talons, study finds
Even Neanderthals liked a little bling. A fresh examination of prehistoric eagle talons discovered more than 100 years ago reveals that our ancient relatives made and wore their own jewelry.
Rediseñando el mapa químico de la lengua: ¿es la grasa el sexto sabor?
Científicos australianos reúnen las pruebas sobre la ruta electroquímica que los ácidos grasos ponen en marcha entre nuestra lengua y nuestro cerebro. De confirmarse, habría que cambiar los libros de […]