Science in the media
Tormentas y microbios están detrás del misterio de las piedras errantes
Las rocas ‘navegantes’ del Valle de la Muerte en California son famosas por moverse aparentemente solas, pero el fenómeno no es exclusivo de ese desierto norteamericano. También ocurre en España, […]
‘Young blood’ anti-ageing mechanism called into question
The hunt for the fountain of youth is back to square one — at least for those seeking it in blood. New findings cast doubt on research that attempted to […]
Why Pandas Eat So Much Bamboo: They Can Bear-ly Digest It
In fact, the animals lack the types of bacteria known for breaking down cellulose, the component of plant cell walls that make leaves and plant material difficult for other omnivores, […]
Palau’s Improbably Healthy Coral Reefs
The bad news first: over the next century of climate change, all coral reefs will have to contend with two inextricable, inexorable pressures. One is global warming, where hotter ocean […]
Quantum Life Spreads Entanglement Across Generations
Computer scientists have long known that evolution is an algorithmic process that has little to do with the nature of the beasts it creates. Instead, evolution is set of simple […]
Un hormigón compuesto de bacterias que se repara por sí solo
Investigadores holandeses han desarrollado un nuevo tipo de este material de construcción que, al estar ‘vivo’, repara sus grietas sin ayuda. Todo gracias a los microorganismos de su interior.
A leap forward in the hunt for Earth-like planets
A new technique for studying distant worlds looks set to help scientists narrow the search.
When Birds Squawk, Other Species Seem to Listen
Studies in recent years by many researchers have shown that animals such as birds, mammals and even fish recognize the alarm signals of other species. Some can even eavesdrop on […]
Serenading The Brain Out Of A Coma
Music is one of several triggers that have been known to occasionally rouse patients from unconsciousness. The exact mechanisms are still a mystery, but using new technologies, researchers can observe […]