Science in the media
New species of dinosaur, the regaliceratops, discovered in Canada
Nicknamed Hellboy, the dinosaur had short horns over the eyes and a long nose horn, the opposite of the features sported by its close relative triceratops
Friction of a single atom measured with light
Suspended ions mimic strange ‘superlubricity’ phenomenon.
Chimpanzees Would Cook if Given the Chance, Research Says
Chimpanzees have the cognitive ability to cook, according to new research, if only someone would give them ovens.
Will ET Drink Water?
The intricate compatibility of water and life on Earth may not extend to other planets.
Plutonen lau ilargi txiki bitxiak
Hubble Espazio Teleskopioak hartutako irudietan oinarrituta Plutonen lau ilargi txikien hainbat ezaugarri eman dituzte
Rebooting the Human Genome
The official map of the human genome can’t tell you everything about your genes. Does graph theory offer a better way?
World’s first biolimb: Rat forelimb grown in the lab
The growth of a rat forelimb grown in the lab offers hope that one day amputees may receive fully functional, biological replacement limbs
Can Your Brain Really Be “Full”?
Neuroimaging aids investigation into what happens in the brain when we try to remember information that’s very similar to what we already know
Tú ves millones de colores, pero tu cerebro solo recuerda los básicos
Un experimento demuestra que nuestro recuerdo de los colores tiene un sesgo sistemático y que tendemos a agruparlos en las categorías más sencillas o conocidas.