Science in the media
The foldable, five-cents battery powered by bacteria
A new origami paper battery, which is powered by bacteria and costs five US cents, could revolutionise the diagnosis of diseases in developing and remote areas.
Music Was Once Thought To Be A Neural Pathogen
Music has powerful impacts on the mind and a strange relationship with science and society. It has now made its way into the clinic as a tool to help heal […]
¿De qué color es realmente el mar?
Nuestra propia experiencia nos dice que el color del mar puede cambiar de manera significativa dependiendo del momento y el lugar: desde azules turquesas a verdes muy claros, pasando por azul […]
Zerora bidean, eraikuntza jasangarria
Eraikin jasangarrriak, bioklimatikoak, ekoeraginkorrak, berdeak, pasiboak, zero energiakoak… Modan dagoen arkitekturako korronte bat dirudi. Baina hori baino gehiago da. Araudiek jarritako bidea ere bada. Askorentzat, oso maldan gorako bidea. Beste […]
DNA Deciphers Roots of Modern Europeans
For centuries, archaeologists have reconstructed the early history of Europe by digging up ancient settlements and examining the items that their inhabitants left behind. More recently, researchers have been scrutinizing […]
How Misperceptions About Math Contribute to the Science Gender Gap
Why are women so underrepresented in science, technology, engineering and maths, the so-called “STEM” subjects? It’s an enduring question that doesn’t have an easy answer, and is likely influenced by […]
Can gaming help me see in 3D?
At 42, Nic Fleming discovered that he has never really seen in three dimensions. Can new therapies based on video games fix his lazy eye and give him his first […]
John Franklin, el explorador más buscado del mundo
Si ha habido un hombre buscado en la historia de la exploración polar, ése es sir John Franklin. Él y sus hombres desaparecieron en 1847 cuando buscaban el Paso del […]
Bi sexuen sailkapenaz harago
Sexologoek eta beste zenbait adituk urteak daramatzate jaio berritan sexu-banaketa bitarrak sortzen dituen arazoak gainditu nahian. Pixkanaka, beste arlo batzuetan ere hasi dira pausoak ematen norabide horretan, eta horren adierazle […]