Science in the media
Biologists Invoke the Past in Modern Bacteria
By swapping ancient genes into modern E. coli, scientists hope to tease out the rules of evolution.
The Real Landscapes of the Great Flood Myths
In Tibet, a geologist learns how folk stories may record actual catastrophes.
Huge study links wastewater injection wells to earthquakes
Before 2008, Oklahoma experienced roughly one noticeable earthquake per year. By 2014, that number had soared to almost one a day, and the state is not alone. Scientists have documented […]
Early humans had to become more feminine before they could dominate the planet
Two recent papers throw some light on how the revolutionary development of smaller and more fine-boned humans influenced the growth of cooperative culture, the birth of agriculture and human dominance […]
DNA May Help Track Ivory Poachers
DNA evidence retrieved from elephant dung, tissue and hair can help identify the origins of illegal ivory, a new study finds.
Los babuinos deciden sus movimientos de forma ‘democrática’
Pese a lo que se creía, no es la voluntad de un líder la que dirige la manada, sino que los individuos reaccionan en grupo y es la suma de […]
Cómo las hormigas del Sahara se mantienen fresquitas sobre arena a 70ºC
Estos insectos plateados son capaces de sobrevivir en un ambiente en el que cualquier otro animal moriría. Su sistema podría copiarse en cubiertas refrigerantes para coches y casas
The super materials that could trump graphene
A wave of innovative flat materials is following in the wake of graphene — but the most exciting applications could come from stacking them into 3D devices.
“Los organismos estamos muy mal diseñados, pero echarle la culpa a Dios no está bien”
Francisco J. Ayala (Madrid, 1934) es profesor de Ciencias Biológicas en la Universidad de California en Irvine (EE UU) y uno de los científicos españoles más relevantes de las últimas […]