Projects by area

Darwin Day

The Chair of Scientific Culture of the University of the Basque Country celebrates the birthday of Charles Darwin, who shaped the theory of evolution through natural selection.

In the light of the theory of evolution, through the lectures given by two speakers and the subsequent colloquium, a variety of subjects are examined, dealing with language, human physiology, medicine, and other fields of science.

Evidence in Education

In the conferences given by experts, a number of issues relating to education are presented on the basis of available evidence. Speakers present and value existing evidence.

The aim is to explore all the realities in the education system.

Evolution And Neuroscience

This initiative is a tool for analysing human behavior from an evolutionary perspective and for disseminating it to the general public.

It has become a vital meeting point for experts in psychiatry, psychology, biology and other scientific fields.

Gender And Science Communication

Gender And Science Communication is an act of reflection on how the gender perspective can be worked out and improved in scientific communication.

Improve the skills to communicate with gender perspective, getting to know inclusive communication experiences closely or sharing experiences are the keys of the event. The first edition was framed within the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

BCAM Naukas Pi Day

March 14 is the celebration of the Pi Number Day with the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM) and the Naukas platform.

The Bizkaia Aretoa hosts lectures starring Pi. The reason for doing so on this particular day is related to the international nature of the celebration, since, in English, the third of March is indicated by numbers 3-14.

Scientific Zuia

Together with the Equality Service of Zuia City Council, the Chair of Scientific Culture of the University of the Basque Country participates in the design and coordination of this cycle.

Each year focuses on a particular subject.