
  • Jakin-egarri direnen jakin-mina

    Jakin-egarri direnen jakin-mina

    CSICek argitaratutako Mentes curiosas, curiosas mentes liburu bildumaren euskarazko bertsioa egin du UPV/EHUko Kultura Zientifikoko Katedrak. Altxorra da jakin-mina. Galderak egitera garamatza, ezarritakoa zalantzan jartzera eta agerikoaz haragoko erantzunak bilatzera […]

  • Zientzia genero-ikuspegitik komunikatzeko dekalogoa

    Zientzia genero-ikuspegitik komunikatzeko dekalogoa

    Martxoaren 8a da, Emakumeen Nazioarteko Eguna. 2023ko Emakumearen Nazioarteko Egunaren leloak “Mundu digital inklusiboa: Berrikuntza eta genero-berdintasunerako teknologia” aldarrikatzen du. Inguratzen gaituen munduak Informazio eta Komunikaziorako Teknologien (IKT) garapenean eragina […]

  • Emakumea zientzian

    Emakumea zientzian

    The Chair of Scientific Culture of the University of the Basque Country edited the Basque version of the book La mujer en la ciencia. The book contains biographies of women […]

  • 2024ko zientzia eskola egutegia

    2024ko zientzia eskola egutegia

    The Chair of Scientific Culture of the University of the Basque Country coordinates the Basque edition of the scientific calendar for schools, an initiative of the CSIC. The calendar includes […]

  • Zientziaren uretan

    Zientziaren uretan

    This book contains a selection of articles published in Zientzia Kaiera between 2014 and 2022. The selected articles contain information of nine areas of knowledge: passages from the History of […]

  • 50 urte Zientzia eta Teknologia zabaltzen

    50 urte Zientzia eta Teknologia zabaltzen

    In 2020, the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of the Basque Country turned 50. To celebrate, as well as to show society the research carried out the […]

  • KZK 10

    KZK 10

    The Chair of Scientific Culture of the University of the Basque Country turned 10 in 2020 and created a separate site to celebrate it. It contains the work done, the […]

  • BZP


    This is the website of Bilbo Zientzia Plaza, a science outreach festival. Every year the programme of the festival is announced. The aim is to transmit scientific knowledge, talk about […]

  • Mapping Ignorance

    Mapping Ignorance

    This blog tries to translate scientific research into the language of educated people. Experts in various fields write high-level dissemination articles in English about the results of recent investigations for […]