Zientzia Kaiera

Zientzia Kaiera is a general scientific outreach blog published in Basque language. It publishes not only works on scientific research, but also dissemniation works of all areas of science.

Works from universities and research centers, but also from professionals in different fields: scientists, publicizers, illustrators, journalists… are the main contents of the blog.

Since its launch in 2013, more than 3,600 entries have been published, written by more than 350 collaborators. People with secondary education, or higher have been especially considered when creating the blog. Works with different levels of difficulty can be found, but always at scientific dissemination level. All kinds of media are used: articles by journalists, teachers or researchers, infographics, videos, podcasts, etc.

The blog is a collaborative project aimed at socializing science by disseminating its values, history and main achievements. The blog edition is by Uxune Martinez Mazaga.

The blog is very stable, although in 2020 it underwent a modernisation process. Here is how Zientzia Kaiera looked like at the beginning:

The first post of the blog is Zientzia Kaiera argitalpen berria, irailetik aurrera (Zientzia Kaiera, a new publication from September on), where the properties of the blog are laid down.