Science in the media
Gizaki modernoaren eskuaren itxura duen fosilik zaharrena aurkitu dute
1,84 milioi urteko falange berezi bat aurkitu dute Olduvai Georgeko aztarnategian, Tanzanian. Izan ere, hatz-hezur horrek garai berean bizi ziren hominidoenak baino askoz ere itxura modernoagoa du. Hori aintzat hartuta, […]
Big Question: Why Does Tap Water Go Stale Overnight?
YOU GO TO sleep with a cool, fresh glass of tap water by your bed and wake up to it tasting decidedly…off. Ever so slightly more dirt-like, I’d say. Musty, […]
Synthetic Life Seeks Work
A startup company says it is expanding the language of DNA to create new tools for drug discovery.
The Delicate Electrostatic Dance of Falling Space Dust
Is this how particles become planets?
Fossilised remains of world’s oldest flower discovered in Spain
Ancient aquatic plant thought to be world’s first flower; studying it could provide a solution to modern pollination issues linked to decline of bee population
Evidencias de otra brutal masacre en el Neolítico
El análisis de los restos encontrados en Schöneck-Kilianstädten (Alemania) muestra que hace 7000 años se produjo la matanza de 26 individuos a los que sus agresores torturaron con crueldad. El […]
Red Pandas Are Adorable and in Trouble
“They’re like a fox and a raccoon and a bear and a dog and a cat. They’re like every adorable animal in one animal.” Darwin could not have said it […]
Can Neuroscience Ever Have a Place in the Courtroom?
According to expert Dr. Judith Edersheim, co-founder and co-director of the Center for Law, Brain, and Behavior, it is a question of how—not if—neuroscience will play a role in the […]
How Life and Luck Changed Earth’s Minerals
Is geology predictable, or is the mineral composition of Earth due to chance events? The answers could eventually help scientists identify planets likely to harbor life.