Science in the media
Dormant viruses may cause motor neuron disease when awoken
Human endogenous retroviruses may cause or contribute to some forms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Could Known Lifeforms Survive in Mars’s Newly Discovered Flowing Water?
If life can survive in the prehistoric waters of a frozen Antarctic lake, perhaps it can survive on moons like Europa or Enceladus or some other extreme environment in the […]
Testing Neurons With Ultrasound [+ video]
Turning certain brain cells on and off with light — a technique called optogenetics — is one of the most important tools in neuroscience. It allows scientists to test basic […]
La endogamia predominaba entre los neandertales de El Sidrón
Un estudio, liderado por el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, ha descubierto una alta incidencia de anomalías congénitas en vértebras cervicales halladas en la cueva de El Sidrón (Asturias). Según […]
Volkswagen’s Little Engine That Couldn’t
In the early 2000s, engineers at Volkswagen embarked on an audacious plan, one that seemed like it should have worked. The company had bet that their technical prowess in crafting […]
Genio matemático resuelve el acertijo de un maestro
Terence Tao, ganador de la Medalla Fields, resuelve el problema de la discrepancia de Erdös.
A New Map Traces the Limits of Computation
A major advance reveals deep connections between the classes of problems that computers can — and can’t — possibly do.
Old-school and current vaccines have no link to autism (again)
Multiple vaccines containing the preservative thimerosal, administered to macaque monkeys on the schedule that pediatricians followed in the 1990s, resulted in none of the key brain or behavioral changes linked […]
Cómo los videojuegos han llegado al impresionante fotorrealismo actual
Algunos títulos parecen tan reales que en ocasiones es como si estuviéramos viendo la propia realidad. La clave se encuentra en el motor gráfico, cada vez más potente.