Science in the media
Dr Hannah Fry: the mathematical models that underpin our sexual success
How mathematical modelling underpins everything from the possibility of finding a partner to the number of sexual partners we have in a lifetime.
Can Attention Deficit Drugs ‘Normalize’ a Child’s Brain?
Recent research that says that A.D.H.D. pills can “normalize” a child’s brain over time has drawn criticism.
Investigadores españoles crean una ventana inteligente ‘low cost’ que funciona con agua
Un equipo de investigación del Instituto de Investigación de los Materiales de Madrid, perteneciente al CSIC, podría ser el causante de que las ventanas inteligentes lleguen finalmente a nuestras casas […]
The ‘Supplement’ Illusion
Products labeled “ginseng,” “echinacea,” and “ginkgo biloba” often contain no trace of these substances.
Uste ezkorra ezabatu nahian
Uhin elektromagnetikoak kaltegarriak izan daitezkeela eta, kezka bada. Erik Agirre ingeniariak ikerketa bat egin du; lorturiko emaitzen arabera, uhinak ehunak berotzera irits daitezke soilik.
Listening to the Brain Below
Ever since the Columbia University anatomy professor Michael Gershon launched the field of neurogastroenterology, in 1999, by pointing out that the human gastrointestinal tract is home to some hundred million neurons, […]
La actividad del Sol en el siglo XVIII fue similar a la actual
Contar las manchas solares a lo largo del tiempo ayuda a conocer la actividad de nuestra estrella, pero los dos índices que emplean los científicos discrepan para fechas anteriores a […]
When it comes to jogging, less is more, study argues
A Danish health study has concluded that light and moderate joggers have lower mortality than sedentary nonjoggers, whereas strenuous joggers have a mortality rate not statistically different from that of […]
The Anti-Aging Pill
The problem, Guarente says, is that it’s nearly impossible to prove, in any reasonable time frame, that drugs that extend the lifespan of animals can do the same in people; […]