Science in the media
Las auroras de Ganímedes sugieren que tiene un océano subterráneo
El telescopio espacial Hubble de la NASA ha encontrado la mejor evidencia hasta la fecha de la existencia de un océano de agua salada bajo la corteza de Ganímedes, la […]
Mathematicians Chase Moonshine’s Shadow
In 1978, the mathematician John McKay noticed what seemed like an odd coincidence. He had been studying the different ways of representing the structure of a mysterious entity called the monster […]
Before There Were Stars
The universe is the grandest merger story that there is. Complete with mysterious origins, forces of light and darkness, and chemistry complex enough to make the chemical conglomerate BASF blush, […]
Izan ez duten esperientzia baten oroitzapena txertatu diete saguei, lotan zeudela
Garuneko gune batzuk kitzikatuta, oroimenari iruzur egin daitekeela erakusten duten zenbait esperimentu argitaratu da azkenaldian. Bestak beste, saguak oroitzera behartu edo, alderantziz, oroitzapenak ezabatzea lortu dute ikertzaileek. Oraingoan, saguek leku […]
Gamma Rays May Be Clue on Dark Matter
A small, newly discovered galaxy orbiting the Milky Way is emitting a surprising amount of electromagnetic radiation in the form of gamma rays, astronomers reported Tuesday. The finding may be […]
Found: A giant, ancient arthropod that grew up to 7 feet long
The newly discovered animal, dubbed Aegirocassis benmoulae, is an early member of the arthropod family tree, making it an ancient ancestor of cockroaches, butterflies and shrimp. It lived about 480 million years […]
Consiguen eliminar las placas del alzhéimer con ultrasonidos
La técnica consiste en estimular las células de la glía de manera no invasiva para que eliminen las proteínas que causan la enfermedad. En las pruebas con ratones los investigadores […]
Decisions on a knife-edge
Women predisposed to ovarian cancer can reduce their risk with surgery, but with it comes early menopause. To avoid this, some doctors propose delaying part of the procedure. But is this safe?
Kameleoiek azaleko egitura-aldaketen bidez aldatzen dute kolorea
Kameleoiek azaleko egitura-aldaketen bidez egiten dituzte kolore-aldaketa azkarrak. Genevako Unibertsitateko ikertzaileek argitu dute azalak argia desberdin islatzea eraginez aldatzen dutela kolorea, eta ez, beste animalia batzuek bezala, pigmentuak pilatuz edo […]