Science in the media
LF8 ume neandertalaren kasua
3D ikerketa-teknika berriak giza paleontologian
Genome Study Predicts DNA of the Whole of Iceland
Large genome databases are starting to reveal critical health information—even about people who have not contributed their DNA.
The 315-Year-Old Science Experiment
How counting sunspots unites the past and future of science.
A la caza de invasores en el fin del mundo
Investigadores españoles erradican una gramínea invasora frente a una base argentina en la Antártida. La planta, que llegó hasta aquí por accidente en los años 50, había crecido varios centímetros […]
Study shows humans are evolving faster than previously thought
Scientists reached the conclusion after showing that almost every man alive can trace his origins to one common male ancestor who lived about 250,000 years ago. The discovery that so-called […]
Descubren en Australia la “mayor huella de impacto de asteroide” jamás encontrada
Científicos en Australia descubrieron lo que consideran la zona de impacto de un asteroide más grande jamás hallada. El área, de 400 kilómetros de ancho, está enterrada en la corteza […]
¿Avanza la inteligencia artificial hacia un escenario como el de Terminator?
Steve Wozniak y Elon Musk han alertado sobre los riesgos de los avances de una inteligencia superior gestionada por las máquinas. Los ordenadores cada vez piensan mejor y más rápido […]
Magnets Can Control Heat and Sound
In the world of physicists, heat and sound are considered very similar, since both are structured from and transported by the vibration of atoms. Now, tor the first time, these […]
With New Nonstick Coating, the Wait, and Waste, Is Over
If a glue did not stick to the inside of the tube or bottle, you might think it must not be a very good glue. On the other hand, clinging […]