Science in the media
The Quantum Fabric of Space-Time
Brian Swingle was a graduate student studying the physics of matter at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology when he decided to take a few classes in string theory to round out […]
Crack addicts hooked on their environment
Around half of drug addicts relapse within a year of going “clean”. Research suggests we’d lower that figure if our crack clinics bore more of a resemblance to a drug […]
Lurpeko ur gaziak, Antartika idorrean
McMurdoko haran idorretako batean, Taylor bailaran, lurpeko uren bi sistema detektatu dituzte. Izotzik gabeko haranen segida batek osatzen dute McMurdoko sarea, Antartikako Ross itsasoaren ertzean. Glaziarrekin eta aintzira izoztuekin tartekatutako […]
A word in the hand
Sign languages might hint at something universal in the human mind Sign languages might hint at something universal in the human mind
Batches of ultra-thin transistors made from 2D materials
Materials scientists have devised a way to grow single layers of a promising class of 2D semiconductor on silicon wafers that are 10 centimetres across — all the while maintaining […]
Iron-Rich Rocks Could Hold Signs of Life
A robotic mission’s search for life on Mars may seem worlds away from human scientists wandering around hot springs in Yellowstone National Park. But a study of the Yellowstone hot […]
Los primeros dinosaurios pudieron planear con “alas de murciélago”
Paleontólogos chinos descubren un pequeño dinosaurio con estructuras óseas similares a las de murciélagos y ardillas voladoras. El hallazgo apunta a que los antepasados de los pájaros ensayaron algunas soluciones […]
Combatting Viruses with RNA-Targeted CRISPR
Scientists reengineer a Cas9 enzyme that naturally targets bacterial RNA to stymie hepatitis C inside human cells.
El mar Mediterráneo se volvió a llenar de agua en unos dos años
Tras quedarse aislado del resto de océanos, el mar Mediterráneo volvió a conectarse con el Atlántico hace unos cinco millones de años. Según investigadores de la Universidad de Sevilla, el […]