Science in the media
Why Is It So Difficult to See Pluto?
We don’t know much about Pluto. We know its orbital path and we have an estimate for its mass. But what about surface features? What does it look like? It […]
Biotech’s Coming Cancer Cure
Supercharge your immune cells to defeat cancer? Juno Therapeutics believes its treatments can do exactly that.
A New Recreation Shows How Ancient Romans Lifted Wild Animals Into the Colosseum
It is the 1st century AD and 50,000 screaming ancient Romans are crammed into the tight seats of the Colosseum, then officially called the “Flavian Amphitheater.” As the din of […]
Scientists film death of white blood cell for first time and discover alert system
Australian and US scientists capture on video each stage of death of a human white blood cell, revealing the dying cells apparently try to alert their neighbours
Crean el primer motor basado en la evaporación
Investigadores de la Universidad de Columbia aprovechan la capacidad que tienen las esporas bacterianas de retener humedad para crear un nuevo tipo de motor. El sistema podría tener aplicación en […]
Methane in Mars Meteorites Suggests Possibility of Life
Methane, a potential sign of primitive life, has been found in meteorites from Mars, adding weight to the idea that life could live off methane on the Red Planet, researchers […]
Five Things We Still Don’t Know About Water
From steam to ice, water continues to mystify.
¿Por qué EE.UU. no adopta el sistema métrico como casi todo el mundo?
¿Qué tienen en común Estados Unidos, Liberia y Birmania, además de aparecer los tres en la lista de naciones en las que todavía es legal la pena de muerte? Que son […]
Circadian Clock Transplant
Scientists establish a functional circadian rhythm in bacteria that don’t possess one naturally.