Summer courses: The demons of science


Data eta ordua:

8 de July de 2015 / 09:00 14:00


Palacio Miramar

Paseo Miraconcha, 48
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A special focus is made on the importance of the so-called scientific method in scientific papers for the general public and students of different levels, as well as the great achievements of scientific endeavours throughout history. However, despite its undeniable success as an intellectual endeavour and as a developmental factor, science is not lacking in criticism and problems, and, for certain social sectors, it isn’t even considered as trustworthy.

Some of the attitudes that question science in a more or less explicit way partially respond to science’s own weaknesses or its dubiously rigorous behaviours or the poor ethics exercised by members of the scientific community. What’s the base for pseudo-science? How do scientists’ attitudes contribute to their existence? Why doesn’t the scientific system treat men and women of their community equally? What ethical criteria should they follow when setting limits to scientific activity? What does scientific fraud respond to? Is it efficiently fought by the community?

These are the questions that we seek to address in our UPV/EHU summer course “The demons of science. Educating with (con)science”. We will attempt to provide scientific criteria to improve the ethical aspect of scientific practice, because we believe in the importance of accommodating critical aspects, as the ones addressed in this course, for scientific dissemination and teaching.

The summer course will take place at the Palacio Miramar in San Sebastián from 8 to 10 July.

You may find further information regarding the courses here.


8 July

09:00 h Registration and documentation delivery

09:15 h Opening session: Fernando P. Cossío Mora (Ikerbasque, Basque Foundation for Science and the School of Chemistry, UPV/EHU).

10:15 h “Science, conscience and pain” Pilar Goya Laza (Medical Chemistry Institute, CSIC).

11:15 h Break

11:45 h “Invisible colleagues” Carolina Martínez Pulido (La Laguna University).

12:45 h Round Table: “Women make science: Discrimination or thoughtlessness?” with Fernando P. Cossío Mora, Pilar Goya Laza and Carolina Martínez Pulido.

9 July

09:15 h “(Pseudo)scientific myths in nutrition and health” José Miguel Mulet Salort (Institute for Plant Molecular and Cell Biology; Technical University of Valencia).

10:15 h “Psychological basis for magic and superstitions” Helena Matute Greño (Deusto University).

11:15 h Break

11:45 h “Bad practice in science” Joaquín Sevilla (Public University of Navarre).

12:45 h Round Table “Pseudo-science and poor science” José Miguel Mulet Salort, Helena Matute Greño and Joaquín Sevilla .

10 July

09:15 h “Do ends justify the means in scientific research?” Mabel Marijuan Angulo (School of Medicine and Dentistry; UPV/EHU).

10:15 h “The mathematics of inequality” Eva Ferreira García (School of Economics and Business, UPV/EHU).

11:15 h Break

11:45 h “The ethos of science: values and virtues” Juan Ignacio Pérez Iglesias (Chair of Scientific Culture and School of Science and Technology UPV/EHU).

12:45 h Round Table “Science and conscience” Mabel Marijuan Angulo, Eva Ferreira García and Juan Ignacio Pérez Iglesias.