Research with drugs on human beings: from the laboratory to the pharmacy


Data eta ordua:

2016ko Mayk 25 / 19:00 20:30


Auditorio de Azkuna Zentroa (planta -1)

Plaza Arriquíbar, 4
+ Google Map

What research processes are required of drug manufacturers before authorising them to market their products? What is the role of national and international regulatory agencies? Medical practice has changed substantially thanks to advances in the treatment of disease, but we should not forget that drugs also have a potential adverse or undesired effect that must be controlled. This is a particularly important aspect, as the appearance of new drugs has increased and diversified significantly in recent decades.

Nurse Amaia Martínez Galarza will discuss these issues in a talk under the title of ‘Research with drugs on human beings: from the laboratory to the pharmacy’, which will take place on 25 May at Azkuna Zentroa. This conference, which is part of the Zientziateka programme, will be in Spanish.

Zientziateka is a monthly initiative organised by the Chair of Scientific Culture of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU and Azkuna Zentroa to raise awareness of current scientific matters.

Tickets should be collected from the Azkuna Zentroa Information Point. Tickets are free.