Data eta ordua:
20 de December de 2016 / 19:00 – 20:30
The systematic prospecting developed by archaeologists and speleologists alike has grown during the past decade, multiplying findings of Palaeolithic parietal art in different areas of the Basque Country. The Atxurra (Berriatua) and Armintxe (Lekeitio) caves contain archaeological sites that have become two great “sanctuaries” of cave art. The recent finding and the study of these samples has provided a new vision regarding the first signs of art created by humans in our area.
The archaeological technician of the Bizkaia Archaeological Museum, Diego Gárate shall explain the relevance of these findings at the conference titled “Rediscovering Basque primitive art: new findings, new research.”
The session will take place on 20 December at Azkuna Zentroa (Bilbao) within the Zientziateka conference cycle that is organised every month by the Chair of Scientific Culture of the UPV/EHU with the purpose of raising awareness on current scientific matters.
Tickets should be collected from the Azkuna Zentroa Information Point. Access is free. The talk will be in Spanish.