27 de April de 2016/19:00–20:30 Detecting gravitational waves: A new astronomy is born Auditorio de Azkuna Zentroa (planta -1) Plaza Arriquíbar, 4, Bilbao
10 de May de 2016/19:00–20:30 The evolution of celiac disease: on the trail of junk DNA Azkuna Zentroko Bastida aretoa (-2 solairua) Plaza Arriquibar, 4, Bilbo
25 de May de 2016/19:00–20:30 Research with drugs on human beings: from the laboratory to the pharmacy Auditorio de Azkuna Zentroa (planta -1) Plaza Arriquíbar, 4, Bilbao
1 de June de 2016/19:00–20:30 I’m going to buy lies Bizkaia Aretoa, Baroja aretoa Abandoibarra 3, Bilbo
23 de June de 2016/19:00–21:00 Special Zientziateka 5th anniversary of the Chair of Scientific Culture Auditorio de Azkuna Zentroa (planta -1) Plaza Arriquíbar, 4, Bilbao
28 de September de 2016/19:00–20:00 A New Kilogram in 2018: The Biggest Revolution in Metrology since the French Revolution Bizkaia Aretoa UPV/EHU Abandoibarra Etorbidea, 3, Bilbo
4 de October de 2016/19:00–20:30 Genetic doping: Designing gold medals in the lab Azkuna Zentroa Plaza Arriquibar, 4, Bilbao
24 de October de 2016/19:00–20:30 Leonardo Torres Quevedo, universal engineer. The most prodigious inventor of his time Bizkaia Aretoa, Baroja aretoa Abandoibarra 3, Bilbo
26 de October de 2016/19:00–20:30 Does social inequality kill in the Basque Country? Yes it does, and there are figures to prove it Azkuna Zentroa Plaza Arriquibar, 4, Bilbao
8 de November de 2016/19:00–20:30 He wins Nobel Prize for work on cell recycling Azkuna Zentroa Plaza Arriquibar, 4, Bilbao
16 de November de 2016/19:00–20:30 The molecular machines that won a Nobel Prize Azkuna Zentroa Plaza Arriquibar, 4, Bilbao
13 de December de 2016/19:00–20:30 Cannabinoids: New Research and Therapeutic Options Azkuna Zentroa Plaza Arriquibar, 4, Bilbao