Prospect Magazine
[:es]Why I’m growing a second brain[:]
[:es]The unsettling story of a (literal) thought experiment[:]
[:es]In data: despite the cold, the world is definitely getting warmer[:]
[:es]Don’t be fooled by the “Beast from the East”. A new video brings together data from more than 100,000 weather stations to show how the planet is warming[:]
[:es]It’s high time we were realistic about the “slow food” movement[:]
[:es]Canning veg and visiting the farmer’s market feel good. But neither we, nor the planet, can wait. It’s time for food to get futuristic[:]
[:es]A genetic mutation increasing average life expectancy has been found—how excited should we be?[:]
[:es]In an Amish community in Indiana, those with one copy of the mutant SERPINE1 gene live up to seven years longer. How valuable is this finding?[:]
[:es]The UK is investing in a Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment—bring on the results[:]
[:es]Neutrinos raise questions faster than they answer them, but in science that’s a good thing[:]
[:eu]Bluebirds, babies, and orgasms: the women scientists who fought Darwinism’s sexist myths[:]
[:eu]Sarah Blaffer Hrdy and Patricia Gowaty were pioneers. Yet their work is still contentious—and their contribution all too often ignored[:]
Does the periodic table go on forever?
Scientists have discovered four new elements–but they won’t stop there
What happens when we can’t test scientific theories?
If a scientific theory is elegant, and is consistent with known facts, does it need to be tested by experiment? Scientific knowledge is supposed to be empirical: to be accepted […]