Ancient forest microbes live 2.5 kilometres under the sea
Scientists drilling off the coast of Japan have awoken an ancient creature from its long slumber. But don’t worry – they did not find Godzilla. They revived a community of microbes, […]
Measuring the sixth mass extinction
How can we trust recent claims Earth is on the brink of a sixth mass extinction, when we can’t say with certainty how many species our planet has?
HIV-AIDS in retreat
A groundbreaking medical trial in South Africa.
The lymphatic drain inside your brain
Has the human brain been hiding a dirty secret? While studying the membranes around a mouse brain, neuroscientist Antoine Louveau stumbled across something that wasn’t supposed to be there: a […]
A leap forward in the hunt for Earth-like planets
A new technique for studying distant worlds looks set to help scientists narrow the search.
Microbial gangs are organised killers
It turns out we have misunderstood bacteria. Rather than flying solo, their natural lifestyle is communal. And they can work together with devastating effect.
Crack addicts hooked on their environment
Around half of drug addicts relapse within a year of going “clean”. Research suggests we’d lower that figure if our crack clinics bore more of a resemblance to a drug […]
Some scientists are convinced more planets exist in our Solar System
Not many years ago, the idea our Solar System might contain undiscovered planets beyond Pluto would have been considered science fiction. But now, with NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft three months […]