In search of the perfect stem cell


Data eta ordua:

10 de June de 2015 / 19:00 20:30


Auditorio de Azkuna Zentroa (planta -1)

Plaza Arriquíbar, 4
+ Google Map

Thirty years ago, the idea of generating a heart cell or a neuron from a skin cell seemed like science fiction. However, thanks to the dizzying evolution of regenerative medicine, it is now reality. Nowadays we know that pluripotent stem cells have extraordinary potential to generate any kind of cell we wish: cells of the heart, pancreas or neurons, among others, but how do we use these cells to treat illness? Are we close to or far away from curing diseases through their use?

Cristina Eguizabal, researcher in charge of the Cell Therapy and Stem Cell Unit of the Basque Centre for Blood Transfusion and Human Tissues at Osakidetza, will answer these questions in a talk entitled ‘In search of the perfect stem cell’. This conference will be held on 10 June at 7 pm at Azkuna Zentroa.

Zientziateka is a monthly initiative organised by the Chair of Scientific Culture of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU and Azkuna Zentroa to raise awareness of current scientific matters.

Tickets should be collected from the Azkuna Zentroa Information Point. Free entry will be subject to available seating. The talk will be in Spanish.