À la carte genetic modifications, the drug of the future?


Data eta ordua:

9 de March de 2016 / 19:00 20:30


Azkuna Zentroko Bastida aretoa (-2 solairua)

Plaza Arriquibar, 4
+ Google Map

Is it possible to modify genes as we wish? Some of the most important news from 2015 is the CRISPR technique, which allows to rewrite the DNA sequence of a gene, for example. Thanks to the possibilities created by this technology, we can change or deactivate the expression of a gene and solve its problems. Could this be the final genetic tool or is it a new technique that doesn’t comply with what’s established?

Koldo García, computational biologist and researcher at UPV/EHU and Biocruces, will host a talk on this matter under the title ‘Geneak nahieran aldatzea, etorkizuneko botika?’ (À la carte genetic modifications, the drug of the future?) The event will take place on 9 March in Azkuna Zentroa, and the lecture will be in Basque.

Zientziateka is a monthly initiative organised by the Chair of Scientific Culture of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU and Azkuna Zentroa to raise awareness of current scientific matters.

Tickets should be collected from the Azkuna Zentroa Information Point. Entry is free.